Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Wake up - it's WOYWW & tags#6, 7, 10 & 12

Phew! I've been tagging like a madwoman to complete Tim's 12 tags of christmas and forgot to post what I've done. Has that ever happened to you? Yeah, I thought so. 

So I slept until noon today (fighting another 2 day migraine) and thought I'd better march on and get these goodies posted to share with you. This is the aftermath of the 12 tags of Christmas! Stuff everywhere on the desk and floor, too There is a little clear space on the craft mat for some new projects tomorrow.

 Here' my next love...some sweet holiday stamps from Stampotique. I've ignored them since they arrived, but now they will be the center of my universe. 
 I'm not very good at doing original things, but I'll consider using some of Tim's techniques as a jumping off point to make a little something extra. 

 Here are my tags #10 and #12. Improv and -ish were the name of the game since I didn't have the snowman die or the corners for the Joy card. I also failed to read and follow directions for the snowman, pretty typical of my impatience to finish something I think is cool. I continue to work on patience as a virtue!
Tags #6 and #7 turned out well. I love the texture fade technique, but that was the easiest part of the poinsettia tag. Pretty labor intensive. But I'd do it again in a heart beat. A little PS here, I've decided not to do #8 since I don't have any  of the materials. I'll try to do an -ish post after the holidays.

Since I was a couple days late and a dollar short I was completing 2 and a half tags per day to catch up. Oh yeah, I had that cold thingy that laid me low for several days.  St. Donald was doing sudoku and watching movies while I played tag. We're compatible like that - each has own interests and we don't mind being alone while being together. 

I shipped off a box of tags to the mother for her Advent card surprises and brought a couple more to Charlie in her new assisted living home. 

Yesterday was another lake effect blizzard here, but being the good Buffalonian that I am, I drove to Canada for the monthly appointment chez la coiffeuse. The hair is now ready for holidays in Indianapolis with the fam. Driving was somewhat dangerous, but then loyalty to one's hairdresser is more important, just drive slowly on the most traveled highways. The Queen Elizabeth Way was closed, so I took the scenic route, what I could see of it. lol  

That's about it for today, I do blather on, but at least it's in large print. rofl  Hope you've had time to make something fun. Warm hugs.


Helen said...

Your posts always make me smile! Love your tags - 12 IS a joy! Glad you are keeping safe.

Terry said...

I love your tags - they're great! You've inspired me to make some.

Terry #94

Sheila said...

Beautiful tags. I'm inspired.

donnalouiserodgers said...

love your blog background, and your desk, and your tags,

I am the opposite I wish I could copy Tim (or Tom) and make these beautiful things that everyone does so well - but I get bored and just want to do my own thing - so I must exercise some discipline and patience and learn the techniques or I shall miss out...


Spyder said...

Fabulous tags! Loved your stamps too...does your blog page load so the back ground disappears or does it stay there, I couldn't read too much without hight lighting it all...but then, I rather like your back ground to your blog! Did try and feed Luck...but she was tooo busy spinning!!


Lori said...

Your tags are awesome! So glad you took some time to create! Yes, hair appointments are sacred. Must not be canceled. I didn't realize you live that close to Canada... that's pretty amazing that you can say you get your hair done in Canada... lol..

BrossArtAddiction said...

Beautiful tags! And your desk actually looks pretty organized. I too pull all nighters to finish creating things and then sleep catches up with me like a! :)

jude said...

Adore your tags hun ,and the post below the gidt tags what a fab idea and love all the different sentiments!Thanks for inspiration.Your desk this week in the throws of creativity.
hugs judex3

Marjo said...

Great little tagsThanks for the peek and sharing, hugs Marjo #25! Lovin your workbench.

Zue said...

You have a lovely place to work, it looks comfy and inviting...I like those stamps too.
Sue xx 86

Chrissie said...

Your tags look fabulous, I expect you had a ball making that lot!
Chrissie #1

sarah lawrence said...

I like thtinsel on the tags.. hope the headaches go away.


Aisling said...

Ah, I see that you've got a Stampotique addiction, just like me. Unfortunately, I can relate with you regarding migraines too... they are terrible. Love your tags. Didn't have the time and goodies to participate, for my Xmas stash is very limited (contrary to my halloween stash :-)) Thanks for commenting #23

Anonymous said...

Great post Vicki, always brings a smile. Love all the tags, make 'em your own that's what I say! We've had no more snow here thankfully, just wouldn't know what to do with all that LES! have a great weekend.

Brenda 83

Zue said...

Yes, I did take the photograph of the ice crystals. I got there just in time. Thank you for your interest!
Have fun.
sue xx 86 (again)

Sherry Goodloe said...

Love EVERYTHING going on over here!! Those tags are GORGEOUS! And the ones you created in the previous post look so nice grouped together too :)

Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas to you. Stop by when you get a chance. I'm #85 this week.

Julia Dunnit said...

Improv or not, your tags are jsut fab..and I may be a teeny bit jealous about your new found Stampotique obsession!

happyglitzygirl said...

Thanks for your lovely comment on my blog. My daughter is now home again and recovering well. You look like you have been very busy. You tage look super and a very nice work space. Have a wonderful Christmas, blessings Hilde

Amanda said...

You have a lovely creative space and the tags are fab.

Sandra said...

I wish to join the 12 tags... next year! Yours are so beautiful!!

Thanks for sharing!

Sandra #107